Company FOXSYS s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") accepts this Code of Ethics as a set of fundamental values and approaches to business, which it follows in the conduct of its activities.
The Company's Code of Ethics is not a generally binding legal regulation, but a set of rules complementing legal and other legal regulations.
Compliance with the Code of Ethics by the Company is a moral obligation that governs the conduct of all employees towards the Company, co-workers, customers and other business partners, government agencies and the public.
Protection of good company name
Employees are always obliged, even during their out-of-office activities, to act with the knowledge that they represent FOXSYS s.r.o. and their actions, manner or statements may harm the reputation of the employer.
Managers are a model of moral and ethical qualities for other employees and company representatives being responsible for compliance with the Code of Ethics.
Relations with employees
- The Company bases relationships with employees on the dignity of each person.
- The Company creates favourable and safe working conditions for its employees and enables them to improve their professional level.
- The Company employs the employees without any political, racial, religious or national discrimination, regardless of gender, age or fettle.
- The Company does not allow discrimination, sexual, physical or psychological harassment of employees.
- The Company ensures fair income of its employees for their work, including proper payroll.
- The Company requires employees to adhere to the principles of safe work, observance and use of the designated working time fund.
- The Company requires employees to properly manage the assets entrusted to them in order to protect the employer's assets.
- Information that employees obtain about the company in the course of their work may not be used for personal gain.
- The Company does not allow excessive hosting or donations to suppliers and customers, as well as accepting excessive gifts and entertainment from customers or suppliers.
Relations with customers
- The basis of a successful and lasting business relationship is honesty and equality in dealing with each client.
- The Company ensures that its products and services are of a high-quality standard and meet the specified parameters and requirements.
- The Company is committed to meeting its obligations within the set or agreed deadlines.
- The Company considers corrupt practices of any kind to be inadmissible and only uses legitimate methods in offering or selling its products or services.
- Any customer information is considered confidential by the Company.
Relations with suppliers
- Selection of suppliers is carried out exclusively by the Company in accordance with the competition rules.
- Any corrupt practices are considered unacceptable by the Company.
- The Company never abuses its market position.
- The Company respects all contractual arrangements for payment discipline.
- Any information about supplier relationships is confidential.
Relations with competitors
- The Company always acts honestly to its competitors, it does not damage the reputation of competitors or their representatives.
Relations with government authorities and region
- The Company also takes into account the interests of the wider social community in its business.
- The Company communicates with government authorities using true company information.
- The Company ensures proper accounting and timely payment of its financial obligations to the government.
- The Company has a constant interest in improving the quality of the environment.
- The Company actively participates in the elimination of the consequences of its business activities and by adjusting technological processes it strives to minimize the environmental impacts.
- The Company respects the standards set for environmental policy in its business activities.
Compliance and verification
- The Company creates the conditions for all employees to express their opinions about the company behavior, its decisions or about the behavior of employees.
- Company management deals with all suggestions and information in connection with violations of this Code of Ethics.
- The Company excludes any recourse or adverse effect on employees who have filed a complaint in accordance with this Code of Ethics.
This behavioral model is applied to all members of management and employees of the company.
Ales KOPAL | CEO |